
Thursday, March 13, 2008

How to Grow a Beard

Occasionally, I've been known to be somewhat opinionated. Oops. My wife just caught that typo. I am told I have been known to be VERY opinionated. I have at least two opinions on just about every topic. I am sure there are times when people have felt like rearranging my face. Unfortunately (for them!) there is no legal method for them to do that.
Being a kind and generous individual, I have been searching for ways to help these unfortunate victims of my over-active opinionation. Finally, I have found a way to rearrange my face.
To help them out, I have grown a beard.
It was so easy, you can do it, too.
Here is how to grow a beard. (Ladies, please don't try this at home.) On Day 1, I did nothing. On Day 2, I did nothing again. On Day 3, I did nothing twice. On Day 4, I verified that nothing was still being done. Then I simply repeated the cycle.
(Editor's note: Douglas Adams denied any collaboration on this bear-growing article!)
It's been about five or six weeks, and my face is definitely rearranged.


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